
ENV Forum Conference in Belgium 2023

ENV Forum Conference in Belgium 2023: Are you prepared to participate in the 2023 Asia-Europe ENV Forum Conference taking place in Brussels, Belgium? Circle the dates on your calendar and make sure to set aside November 21st and 22nd for this event. This fully-funded conference revolves around the theme of “Empowering Innovation in Europe and Asia – Placing SMEs at the Center of the Circular Transition.” This prestigious platform offers you the unique opportunity to connect with globally recognized environmental leaders. It’s your chance to brainstorm innovative ideas and approaches to address the pressing environmental challenges that are affecting the world in significant ways. Belgium is hosting this conference with the goal of nurturing young entrepreneurs and preparing them to become future leaders.

Are you excited about attending the Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) Conference in Europe? This event serves as a fantastic networking opportunity and a multifaceted knowledge-sharing forum where you can contribute your professional expertise and ideas. You’ll have the chance to engage in discussions with young entrepreneurs, innovators, and representatives from the business and policy sectors who share your perspectives. This international conference will deepen your understanding of how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can transition to a circular economy model through innovation and green financing. This approach not only reduces environmental impact but also strengthens resilience while fostering sustainable growth.

The Asia-Europe Environmental Forum conference in Belgium, focusing on environmental challenges in Asia and Europe, provides numerous avenues for engagement, exchange, and discussion on innovative strategies for supporting SMEs. You’ll gain insights into the obstacles and issues hindering the establishment of a sustainable environment, as well as the necessary policies to accelerate the adoption of green practices at the SME level. Practical examples of SMEs transitioning to circular economies in various sectors will be presented. Additionally, you’ll engage in constructive dialogues with global leaders to explore strategies, factors, and milestones for developing circular business models.

The funded conference in Belgium, organized by ENV Forum, aims to contribute to the global agenda by facilitating knowledge and idea exchange among professionals, government officials, and businesses from both Asia and Europe. This platform is aligned with the goals of the 2023 agenda and boasts partnerships with multiple organizations, including the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC), Hans Seidel Foundation (HSF), and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). In summary, with a substantial gathering of 80 attendees and speakers, this two-day conference will address critical issues related to innovation, access to green financing, governance mechanisms, and stakeholder partnerships.

ENV Forum Conference 2023 in Belgium:

Host Country:

  • Belgium.

ENV Forum Location:

  • Brussels

Hosted By:

  • Asia-Europe Environment Forum.

Conference Duration:

  • The duration of the conference will be two days, starting on November 21, 2023, and ending on November 22, 2023.

Benefits of the ENV Forum Conference 2023 in Belgium:

  • Candidates are provided with an opportunity to learn about Asia, Europe, and their environments.
  • Candidates will be able to identify and resolve the global issues, related to the environment.
  • Candidates will be given the opportunity to take an active part in a productive dialogue on environmental issues.
  • Candidates will be given the opportunity to interact with the world’s environmental leaders.
  • Candidates will be given the opportunity to learn and implement the decisions in real situations.
  • Traveling cost is totally funded.
  • Accommodation is facilitated.

Eligibility Criteria of the ENV Forum Conference 2023 in Belgium:

  • All young Entrepreneurs can apply.
  • People belonging to the list of nations under the ASEM list of countries can apply.
  • People with age between 20 to 35 years old can apply.
  • People with high proficiency in the English language can apply.
  • People with an interest in technology and digitization or food production/industry, are preferred to apply.

 How to Apply for the ENV Forum Conference 2023 in Belgium:

  • The applicants need to apply online through the official website.
  • You need to spare 15 to 20 minutes to fill out the application form.
  • Upload the updated CV.
  • Fill out the personal details first.
  • Then, fill out the professional experience.
  • You need to write your perspective about the conference theme.
  • Make sure to fill up the mandatory fields.
  • Ensure to complete the application carefully.

Documents Required for Conference in Europe:

  • Updated CV or Resume.
  • Complete the application form, along with other documents, if any.

Application Deadline:

  • The application deadline for the ENV Forum Conference 2023 in Belgium is October 20th, 2023.


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